It’s amazing to think how much paper still exists within manual processes in everyday business operations. In previous blogs, we have shared many benefits of Ras, and how you can eliminate so much of your manual, paper processes. Today, we’d like to tell you how eFolders changed one customer’s business process with digital transformation and an automated workflow.
eFolders Scenarios From Our Customers
One of our customers uses a centralized purchase order system within their main finance application for inventory purchases across multiple sites and by several different managers. Each day, on average, one hundred purchase orders would print in various locations, requiring managers’ approvals. To make the process more complex, some purchase orders, depending on value, would need to be approved by multiple managers. Each piece of paper was essentially passed around until all required signatures were obtained. We heard countless stories about lost documents and delays in processing. Those documents that were not lost were ultimately placed in a basket, where they waited for an office clerk to manually fax the purchase orders to the various vendors to place the necessary orders.
The Benefits of eFolders
Dbtech’s eFolders Solution was selected to digitize and streamline the process. Electronic folders are created for each vendor, and instead of physically printing the purchase orders, eFolders captures the documents electronically. Using proprietary pattern matching, each document is filed into the correct vendor folder.
Using the eFolders Document Approval workflow, managers who need to approve purchase orders are now presented with an electronic worklist. From that worklist, documents can be approved, and they can also be moved on to the next manager for secondary approval, as needed. As an added bonus, since all the documents are now stored in a single repository, managers can access previous purchase orders and compare to new purchase orders – something they could not quickly and easily do in the past. Once all approvals are obtained, the purchase orders are automatically and electronically delivered to the vendor via email, using the eFolders Document Export feature.
How dbtech Streamlines Your eFolders Process
This very happy eFolders customer now has much less paper, and a fully automated and auditable workflow process in place to manage and maintain their purchase orders. Orders are placed quicker and more reliably than using a manual paper process.
Something to consider, to bring the purchase order lifetime full circle. After orders are received, you can scan into the electronic folders documents such as packing slips and invoices, and even copies of checks. This gives managers access to data that may be stored in multiple places and/or that they may not otherwise have. Learn more about the how we can move your paperwork digital with eFolders.