As we abruptly return from our holiday cocoons and re-emerge into 2017, let’s consider some ways to serve our customers.
Your customers are your patients, and my customers are…you!
Right around the time I was experiencing a turkey overdose (ICD10 code T78.1), the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) released its yearly proposed clinical quality measures which contained 97 considerations for 2017.
In this piece we will address recommendations regarding Enhanced Informed Consent.
CMS recommends a dynamic informed consent to assists patients through their decisions, and paper just doesn’t cut it. What is required is a solution malleable to each individual and procedure, and with customer involvement dbtech has developed a portable, dynamic and flexible solution to address CMS recommendations.
Flexibility is represented by our ability to integrate with every major EHR. Through this integration customers merge real-time EHR data with patient-facing eForms, and can present these eForms to patients for completion anywhere from the registration desk to beside and beyond, including Enhanced Informed Consents. Patients signing at bedside use portable devices and use eSiganture to sign documents using their finger or stylus.
Prediction: Future eForms will be videos and use audio and video to record patient approvals.
The data presented on enhanced informed consent eForms dynamically change based on the specifics of the patient. HL7 or direct user input will value the “Procedure” field on the informed consent, while eForms logic value the various risks and considerations dynamically before presenting to the patient. This dynamic aspect of eForms provides a tailored experience for each encounter, keeps patients aware of risks and eliminates the maintenance of multiple paper forms for each potential procedure. This logic coupling the procedure to the risk-narrative is maintained within the eForms platform, and is centrally updated for quick and comprehensive changes throughout your facility.
Capturing patient signatures is often not the final step. Hospitals frequently require an approval by an OR nurse or physician performing the procedure. eForms provides this ability, and at the conclusion of the necessary series of approvals the completed form is locked, archived and forwarded to the EMR or enterprise document imaging solution (EDMS). eForms customers can also forward copies of the completed forms to their patient portal to provide access by patients anywhere they choose.
Hint: Completed eForms can be emailed both automatically and interactively to any location. Eforms can generate discharge instruction which can then be integrated with your patient portal. Patients with electronic copies of discharge instructions are less likely to be re-admitted.
eForms are completely transparent, meaning you have insight into which documents require signature at each level of approval. Care coordinators and Physicians have real-time access to which patients have received consent and all of necessary tasks required before the procedure.
If you would like more information about eForms and creating your enhanced informed consent, please complete the form below.
Here is to a productive and rewarding 2017!!