Healthcare organizations today face mounting pressure to reduce costs and improve the patient experience while maintaining high levels of efficiency and compliance. dbtech’s electronic document management solutions are designed to help organizations achieve those...
eForms improve patient satisfaction for less than the cost of a full-time registrar. Are you intrigued? How about reducing registration throughput by 10-20 minutes? Oh? Have I got your attention now? eForms is the solution, but how do you compare vendors? The Early...
By failing to prepare for EHR downtime events, you are planning to fail. I have written extensively regarding financial benefits related to properly planning for EHR & Network downtime events. We’ve discussed how EMR downtimes and the use of paper...
If you’re anything like me you live in your email’s inbox However, this awesome convenience used incorrectly can damage your organization financially and degrade your public brand. Most hospitals share patient and corporate financial data via email for internal use....
In a recently published DHHS paper, “Report on the Safe Use of Pick Lists in Ambulatory Care Settings”, providers were presented various recommendations to reduce order entry errors. One of the more significant DHHS recommendations was the assertion that patient...
BY GREG PARK An email with this title is dreaded by hospital employees, especially when staff are blindsided by unscheduled downtimes that leave them struggling to access patient histories or collect new data. Your hospital, along with every modern healthcare...