In the early hours of Friday morning, a misconfigured Crowdstrike Falcon update cascaded across the globe, causing millions of Microsoft-operated computer systems to display the dreaded “blue screen of death.” This incident has wreaked havoc on various...
Adopting digital solutions for document management can help healthcare organizations achieve significant cost savings and efficiency improvements. Shifting from paper forms to digital systems not only cuts expenses but also enhances patient care quality. This blog...
In the high-stakes world of healthcare, even a momentary lapse in operational efficiency can have far-reaching consequences. Hospital downtime events, whether caused by power outages, IT failures, natural disasters or cyber attacks, can be detrimental if not managed...
Electronic Health Records (EHR) systems are the backbone of healthcare facilities. However, as essential as they are, these systems can also experience downtime, which can disrupt patient care and lead to significant operational challenges. Understanding common EHR...
A downtime solution shouldn’t be viewed as a temporary fix for your EHR system. Instead, it needs to be a comprehensive solution that addresses all facets of care continuity to keep your organization running smoothly during an outage. In 2024, an MGMA Stat poll...
There’s no doubt that Electronic Health Records (EHR) systems have become indispensable in the healthcare industry. However, despite their numerous benefits, the journey to fully optimized EHR systems is fraught with challenges. This begs the question, how can...